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09/09/10 07:10 PM #1    

Debra Harshberger (Saylor)

I'm not quite sure I can adequately describe how I feel about my evening with all of you on Friday, September 3, 2010.  The layers of years and life's experiences (both good and bad, joyous and painful) have made us the individuals we've become.  At almost age 53, it can be pretty daunting a task to excavate the people we were in 1975.  For me, it began with smiles across the room, a couple of warm handshakes, and as the heartfelt hugs were coming from behind me and beside me, the walls began to crumble.  The "magic" Rocco spoke of in his post-party email to us...well, it worked.  We felt it.  By the end of the evening, the debris lay at my feet, and I was a kid again, with wiser eyes and an enhanced appreciation of what I always believed to be true - every single person to cross our path in this life has a unique, fresh, and redeeming way about them that contibutes to who we turn out to be.  I could not believe that some of the faces that had been a familiar part of my every day 35+ long years ago were in front of me again, with the same mischief, the same sparkle, the same kindness and warmth...only now they were weathered into handsome men and beautiful women whose hearts had grown even dearer in the years we'd been busy living our lives.  I realized that I came of age with some of the best people in the world, at a time and in a town much simpler than today.  The growing pains and the thrills, the fun and the heartbreaks - I would not have wanted to experience them with any other people than the Class of '75.  I found myself running when I needed to use the ladies' room because I didn't want to miss a thing.  So, my only suggestion for improvement would be to find a way to have made it last awhile longer...but I guess as the old adage goes, sometimes less is more.  Those who missed this well-planned, classy, meaningful reconnection with each other truly missed an opportunity to feel good about where you came from and a chance to celebrate with those who shared the journey.  I can honestly tell you...the wind has not yet left my sails.  Thank you all, for just being who you were then and who you are now.  You're a part of my most treasured memories, for always. 

08/19/22 04:50 PM #2    


Rocco Alianiello (Alianiello)

Greeting Classmates,

      I hope this finds everyone doing well and enjoying summer turning into autumn and all the beautiful fall activities........"BACK TO SCHOOL"....what memories that brings. It seemed like summer vacations lasted forever back then. My how times have the blink of an eye the seasons pass one into another. But enjoy all the seasons as each one brings their unique characteristics and activities......the beauty of living in the Northeast.

    We have been trying to gain momentum as a class as we close in on our 50th Class Reunion. The Class is going to have a 65th Birthday Celebration in 2023, we have Breakfast Gatherings twice a month, we have e-mail communications as often as there is need to communicate, we have a dedicated Class Web-Site, we have a Class Facebook Page. My thoughts are that we are reaching a number of classmates and we will have the same classmates attending our events. My dilemma is that there are over 500 classmates that have not registered on our web-site ( check the home page where it lists locations of classmates and look at "unknown") I printed the list and started to look through to come up with a plan to connect with these classmates. My conclusion is that this will take ALL of us to scour the list and find classmates that we know and reach out personally to get them to register on the website. The more that are registered (with a valid e-mail) address, the larger our reach becomes. My respectful "ask" to all that are receiving these e-mails is to get involved and help to connect with these can message me the info on them and I can register them or they can register themselves. WE NEED YOUR HELP....even if its just one turns into two then three and hopefully all unregistered classmates. When reaching out, a valid e-mail address is important to get......let them know everything that is happening with our class events.

    Our 50th Class Reunion is going to be special.......our goal is to get as many classmates reconnected with our class and attend these events.....the breakfast gatherings, the class birthday party, THE REUNION.

    Our next Brekfast Gathering is tomorrow, August 17th at 9:00 am at Dennys......come and join us.

    Thank you all for your support and trying to connect with more classmates. 

    Until next time, my friends.

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